Power Africa Graphic Standards Manual

This manual sets the standard for Power Africa communications produced by employees, contractors, grantees and other partners.

On Oct. 14, 2016, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) administrator signed a special determination that allowed the Power Africa initiative to provide branding and marking guidance applicable to activities under the initiative. This determination was coupled with December 2014 updates to Automated Directives System (ADS) chapters 320 and 303, as well as 2 CFR 700, which clarified branding exceptions for presidential and other high-level interagency initiatives.

A U.S. government-led partnership, Power Africa harnesses the collective resources of the public and private sectors to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa. Unique and consistent branding for Power Africa helps elevate its status as a presidential initiative and strengthens its “whole-of-government” identity. The Power Africa initiative has developed branding standards to promote common elements across Power Africa materials, regardless of location, audience and participating federal agency.


This Graphic Standards Manual sets clear, consistent guidelines for branding and graphic design for Power Africa projects and communications. In accordance with the administrator’s determination, and in line with the USAID Graphic Standards Manual, the guidelines in this manual are compulsory for Power Africa project communications materials.

The first step in building a successful brand is developing a visual identity that is used consistently on all communication — the Power Africa identity. The branding objectives are to enhance the visibility and value of Power Africa and improve the impact and consistency of communication.


While there is a need for flexibility and adapting communications to the specific countries and activities, the Power Africa initiative has developed branding standards and guidance to promote common elements across Power Africa materials. Use of the elements will help promote more consistent, effective communications and strengthen the identity and visibility of the initiative. The Power Africa Graphic Standards Manual sets the official standard for branding of all Power Africa communications.


Power Africa logo with tagline (Official) [zip, 4mb ]

Power Africa logo without tagline (for partners) [zip, 4mb ]

Document Cover Image
Power Africa Graphic Standards Manual 2024 Cover