
For Immediate Release

Press Release

JAKARTA, Indonesia — On January 24, the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced a $9.9 million program to help Indonesia prevent corruption by boosting civic engagement and promoting integrity in public and private sectors.

The USAID Indonesia Integrity Initiative (USAID Integritas) will help the Government of Indonesia address corruption by helping local civil society tackle systemic corruption vulnerabilities and conflicts of interest in planning and procurement procedures.

“Through this new program, we are supporting the Government of Indonesia’s shift in focus from corruption prosecution and enforcement to corruption prevention,” said USAID Indonesia Mission Director Jeffery P. Cohen. “We are building on decades of U.S. government partnership with the Government of Indonesia, the private sector, and the Indonesian people in addressing corruption in Indonesia.”

This initiative will focus on strengthening government and civil society practices to improve transparency, reduce conflicts of interest, and promote accountability. It will engage the public to provide oversight and encourage attitudes shunning corrupt practices.

USAID is partnering with a local organization, Kemitraan (Partnership for Governance Reform), to implement this five-year program. This partnership will further the Government of Indonesia’s Medium-Term Development Plan on quality growth, infrastructure, and stability. In addition, the program aligns with the National Strategy on Anti-Corruption by supporting anti-corruption policy formation and effective regulation, coordination with relevant institutions, and public engagement.

United States to Help Indonesia Prevent Corruption with New Five-Year, $9.9 million USAID Initiative
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