The USAID Tuberculosis (TB) program works in coordination and collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders to help countries end TB by 2030.
Global Resilience Against Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (GRAD-TB)
GRAD-TB, a five-year global project (2024–2029), is dedicated to ensuring equitable access to diagnostic, treatment, and prevention services for all individuals with drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The project will advance global efforts to reduce the burden of DR-TB in high-burden countries through on-demand technical assistance (TA), strengthening local networks, and enhancing government capacity to adapt and scale evidence-based strategies for DR-TB detection, prevention and treatment.
Health Systems for TB (HS4TB)
Launched in 2020, USAID’s Health Systems for Tuberculosis (HS4TB) project supports high TB burden countries with financing and governance strategies, tools, and approaches to achieve TB elimination goals. A five-year Task Order under an IDIQ, the project is currently working in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, and Kenya, where it supports policy reforms for increased and improved domestic contracting of TB services, greater domestic financing, and more efficient use of resources, while building in-country financial and managerial skills and leadership.
Supporting, Mobilizing, and Accelerating Research for Tuberculosis Elimination (SMART4TB) is a five-year cooperative agreement that aims to transform TB prevention and care. SMART4TB will design and implement research studies with local partners to identify effective person-centered methods for finding, treating, and preventing TB; strengthen local capacity to conduct high-quality research; and engage communities to build demand for new interventions, drive policy change, and improve implementation of new and existing interventions to reach the End TB targets.
Tuberculosis Data, Impact Assessment and Communications Hub (TB DIAH)
The TB Data, Impact Assessment and Communications Hub (TB DIAH) award is focused on developing a TB data hub to ensure optimal consolidation and analysis of TB data and the appropriate use of such information to measure and evaluate performance and inform national TB programs (NTP) and USAID portfolio interventions and policies. Improved analysis of TB data enables USAID, national TB programs (NTPs), and other key national and global stakeholders to support the planning for, and effective implementation of, TB interventions. The project was designed to improve the use of data for decision making.
Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA)
A cooperative agreement, the Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) project (2019-2027) works with National TB Programs and other local entities in up to 24 USAID TB priority countries to develop and negotiate TB commitment grants (TCGs), contracts, or other awards to strengthen National TB Programs in managing their national response and accelerate TB eradication efforts. As part of USAID’s Global Accelerator to End TB, TIFA emphasizes government ownership, accountability, and the leveraging of local expertise to strengthen TB care and treatment—fostering innovation and resilience in national TB programs.
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund)
The U.S. government has been the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) since 2002. Close coordination with the Global Fund is an integral part of the USG Global TB Strategy. Global Fund TB grants and USAID bilateral TB work plans are complementary in filling financial gaps identified in the National TB Program strategic plan. The coordination of resources and activities have enabled the provision of direct technical assistance to Global Fund grantees in implementing grants and removing bottlenecks to progress.
Johnson & Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceuticals
USAID collaborates with the Johnson & Johnson affiliate, Janssen Therapeutics, Division of Janssen Products, LP, to step up the fight against the health threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, specifically that seen in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
PQM+ is a six-year cooperative agreement between USAID and U.S. Pharmacopeal Convention to sustainably strengthen medical product quality assurance systems in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs). PQM+ works to improve medical product quality through cross-sectoral and systems strengthening approaches and the application of international quality assurance standards across the pharmaceutical system. By sharing scientific expertise and providing technical support and leadership to public and private sector counterparts, PQM+ helps to create resilient and sustainable local health systems that ensure access to quality-assured essential medical products.
Stop TB Partnership (STP)
As a Stop TB Partnership (STP) member, USAID provides funding and technical assistance to more than 40 countries to strengthen the implementation of the Stop TB Strategy and support the expansion of the Partnership’s mission through advocacy, communication and social mobilization, delivery of health services, research and development, and community engagement.
USAID supports the STP through grant funding (2015-2022) focused on supporting the Global TB Drug Facility (GDF) and technical activities of the Partnership Secretariat including global communications; advocacy, communication and social mobilization; building national partnerships; and the Challenge Facility for Civil Society. With this support from USAID, the GDF helps ensure manufacturers produce sufficient quantities of second-line drugs to meet the needs of countries as they scale up their TB treatment programs. To date, USAID and the GDF have facilitated increased availability of TB drugs and a 32 percent drop in the price of second-line drug treatments for TB.
TB Alliance
A cooperative agreement (2008-2022), the TB Alliance is focused on supporting trials of promising new anti-TB medicines and activities to accelerate the availability of pediatric TB drug formulations. Through this partnership with the TB Alliance, USAID contributes to the development of new, simpler and faster acting TB drug regimens. This partnership combines the research and development expertise of the TB Alliance with the skills and resources of partners in multiple sectors to accelerate TB drug development.
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides global leadership on matters critical to TB; develops evidence-based policies and standards for TB prevention, care, and control; and stimulates the creation and dissemination of valuable knowledge related to TB. USAID provides funding, through a grant with the WHO Global TB Program (2009-2020), to several WHO TB initiatives and works closely with WHO and country partners to implement TB prevention, diagnostic and treatment protocols.
LEAP Local Africa: Embedding technical advisors
The Long-term Exceptional Technical Assistance Project (LEAP) Local Africa is a five-year fellowship program that strengthens national infectious disease programs by empowering host governments to lead and manage key aspects of their infectious disease portfolios as well as improve coordination between infectious disease program stakeholders involved in the country and the host government. The project partners with local entities to place ID technical leadership in USAID-supported Ministries of Health to improve infectious disease programs.
LEAP Global: Embedding technical advisors
The Long-term Exceptional technical Assistance (LEAP Global) supports development of effectively managed national infectious disease programs in USAID-supported countries by embedding technical advisors and subject matter experts into the national programs.
TB Local Organization Network Mental Health Asia and Africa
Tuberculosis Local Organization Network Mental Health Asia and Africa are three-year (2023 - 2026) USAID-funded activities designed to identify the potentials for integrating mental health services and TB services in Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines, through the TB MIND activity); and in South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia, through the TB COMMIT activity. The activities will develop initial frameworks for collaborative care to improve TB care outcomes.
Past Projects
Challenge TB
A cooperative agreement (2014-2019), the Challenge TB award focused on providing technical assistance and global technical leadership in 22 countries and two regions, working with National TB Programs to achieve the targets in National TB Strategic Plans and the objectives and milestones of the USG TB Strategy and the National Action Plan to Combat Multi-Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB). This project served as the flagship project for the USAID TB portfolio.
Control and Prevention of Tuberculosis (CAP-TB)
A cooperative agreement (2011- 2021), the Control and Prevention of TB (CAP-TB) project is focused on developing a model for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis to improve rapid detection and treatment outcomes for this disease in Asia. The model is a person- centered, community-driven model to strengthen health systems and TB platforms.
Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS)
A contract (2018-2023), the Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS) project works to support the strengthening of disease detection networks and identification of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in priority infectious diseases, and to improve the quality of real-time surveillance systems for pathogens of greatest public health concern, including AMR and zoonotic diseases.
Local Organization Network (LON) [PDF, 88K]
The TB Local Organizations Network (LON) allows for a series of cooperative agreements. Through LON, USAID partners directly with local organizations in USAID TB priority countries to implement locally generated solutions to improve TB diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. LON creates new partnerships and opportunities to address the challenges of TB, makes sustainable improvements in TB services by accelerating the transition to local accountability and ownership, and assists countries as they progress on their Journey to Self-Reliance.
Sustaining Technical and Analytic Resources (STAR)
A bureau-wide cooperative agreement (2018-2023), the Sustaining Technical and Analytic Resources (STAR) award is used by USAID Missions to second technical advisors to key positions within National TB Programs and other strategic positions to address bottlenecks, build capacity within government health systems, and maximize the impact of interventions to improve TB services.
A cooperative agreement (2010-2020), the TB CARE II project is focused on providing technical assistance and global technical leadership on key focus areas, including DR-TB and infection control and prevention. USAID's TB CARE II aims to provide global leadership and support to National TB Programs and other stakeholders to accelerate the implementation of TB, TB-HIV co-infection and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) services while focusing on innovative technological approaches to improve TB case detection and treatment, with a particular emphasis on interventions related to infection control and programmatic management of drug-resistant TB.
A cooperative agreement (2008-2021), the Technology, Research, Education and Technical Assistance for Tuberculosis (Treat TB) project is focused on developing and implementing sound TB research through field evaluations of diagnostic tools; clinical trials of priority research questions; and targeted operational research benefitting global, regional, and country TB control efforts. The project aims to build a successful TB research partnership model to help stimulate changes in international standards and practice in ways that serve countries’ needs.