
USAID and Vietnam enjoy an increasingly cooperative and comprehensive development partnership aimed at ensuring Vietnam is effective and inclusive in solving its own development challenges. By engaging all of Vietnam’s citizens, including vulnerable populations, and through strategic partnership with the Government of Vietnam, the private sector, and local organizations, USAID strengthens local leadership at the same time we work to increase economic competitiveness, modernize higher education, combat infectious disease, address war legacy issues, conserve forests and biodiversity, and promote renewable energy.


Vietnam’s economic growth trajectory risks plateauing. To sustain and invigorate inclusive growth and further open Vietnam to global trade, including American businesses, USAID promotes good governance, legal reforms and transparency, enhances customs and trade procedures, increases linkages between small- and medium-sized enterprises and global value chains through digital transformation and capacity building, and provides assistance to strengthen workforce readiness and modernize higher education institutions, specifically in the fields of technology and engineering, medicine, and the liberal arts. 


USAID helps combat the spread of HIV, TB and other pandemic threats and disease in collaboration with the Government of Vietnam and international and local partners. USAID is building local capacity for administering and financing the HIV and TB responses, and transitioning components of these responses to the GVN through the national health insurance system and engagement with community-based organizations and the private sector. USAID has prioritized addressing emerging global health threats, such as COVID-19, and other pandemic risks by working with partners to strengthen Vietnam’s health systems.


Vietnam’s development has brought new environmental challenges in the form of air and plastic pollution, increased energy demand, and a strain on natural resources, in addition to its vulnerability to natural hazards and the effects of climate change. USAID partners with the Government of Vietnam, private sector, and other organizations to further grow a clean, secure, and market-driven renewable energy sector, protect forests and biodiversity, counter conservation crimes, increase climate resilience, curb environmental pollution, and address the complex challenges to the Mekong Delta ecosystem.


As part of the U.S. Government’s efforts to address legacies from the Vietnam War, USAID provides services for persons with disabilities in provinces heavily sprayed with Agent Orange. USAID is working jointly with the Government of Vietnam to remediate contaminated soil at Bien Hoa Airbase, the largest remaining dioxin hot spot in Vietnam, following the successful clean-up of Danang Airport. USAID also supports Vietnam's efforts to find and identify Vietnamese war dead. This work contributes to both countries’ efforts to overcome the past, build trust, and strengthen bilateral relations, enabling continued security cooperation between the U.S. and Vietnam and a strong relationship for the achievement of the U.S. Government’s foreign policy objectives in the Indo-Pacific region.

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Vietnam Country Profile

Vietnam Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2020 - 2025