Beyond Four Walls


In a remote village in Uganda’s Oyam District, the Apala 'A' school once struggled with student absenteeism and teacher retention.

Empowering Refugee Communities


Thousands of refugees live in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in southwestern Uganda, telling stories about the lives they left behind and what they have overcome.

My Heritage, My Pride!


USAID supports locally-led cultural ecotourism among the Ik Indigenous People in Northeastern Uganda

The Modern Granary


USAID silos improve food safety and school attendance in Uganda’s Karamoja region

Restoring Hope and Dignity of Ebola Survivors in Uganda


4 ways USAID support helped them bounce back in life

Agroforestry for Resilience


USAID helps Ugandans combat forest degradation and improve livelihoods

The Power of Inclusion in Uganda


How USAID supports Indigenous communities in our work

It Takes a Village! How Adults in a Hard-to-Reach District in Uganda Embraced the COVID-19 Vaccine


With USAID support, Bududa District overcame varied challenges and vaccinated most of its adult population

Uganda Sees River Blindness Fading Away


Using community-based health services to relegate a parasitic disease

Defeating Ebola in Uganda


9 ways USAID worked with partners to support the Ugandan Government’s goals to contain and end the spread of Ebola