Locally Led Development Initiatives: Stories from Around the World

Across the programs and opportunities enabled by the Locally Led Development Initiatives (LLDI), a myriad of stories highlight the power of locally led development. From fostering more equitable partnerships to catalyzing sustainable development outcomes, find some examples below. Explore the LLDI Newsletter Archive for more.

Local Works Stories

USAID's Local Works program supports Missions around the world to drive innovation and experimentation in locally led development.

USAID-Peace Corps Partnership Stories

USAID and the Peace Corps partner to catalyze locally led development that addresses community priorities.

Locally Led Development Research Stories and Updates

Diverse partners and USAID’s Locally Led Development Research team are generating evidence and learning to drive a more effective approach to locally led development.

Unsolicited Solutions for Locally Led Development

Sustainable and locally driven ideas come from a diversity of organizations around the world. To ensure that these ideas have the opportunity to be considered, Unsolicited Solutions for Locally Led Development (US4LLD) sets aside a portion of its annual budget to provide USAID Missions with funding to support unsolicited applications that advance locally led development in any sector.