Horn of Africa

Populations across Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia struggle with a confluence of recurring climate shocks, widespread food insecurity, and reduced access to livelihoods. These ongoing challenges, exacerbated by persistent conflict and resultant displacement, contribute to sustained humanitarian needs and ongoing complex emergencies. USG humanitarian assistance is designed to remain flexible and respond to needs as they arise, providing support to crisis-affected populations across the Horn of Africa. USAID continues to respond to acute needs resulting from persistent dry weather in parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia, with five consecutive seasons of poor rainfall between 2020 and 2023 leading to the most severe drought on record in the Horn of Africa in the last 70 years. Critical water shortages in drought-affected areas significantly undermined livestock conditions, livelihoods, and food security. Meanwhile, intercommunal conflicts in Ethiopia have generated displacement, exacerbated humanitarian needs, and impeded humanitarian access to populations in need since 2018. In Somalia, ongoing conflict related to al-Shabaab attacks and resultant military operations, as well as intercommunal violence, continues to contribute to displacement and food insecurity, while restricting access to livelihoods. Sustained life-saving assistance, coupled with interventions aimed at building resilience, is critical to help conflict-affected households meet basic needs and rebuild assets.

USAID responded to heightened food and nutrition needs resulting from drought in Ethiopia between 2015 and 2018, as well as drought in Kenya and Somalia between 2016 and 2018. USAID also significantly increased response efforts to the drought in the Horn of Africa between 2022 and 2023.

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