This page provides brief descriptions of various environmental and social safeguarding tools and factsheets available to provide guidance on the various topics related to the environmental compliance documents used in USAID’s project and activities.

Environmental and Social Safeguarding Factsheets and Tools

Tools and factsheets 
(click to access document)
Summary description
Social Impact Assessment Initial Screening ToolThe Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Initial Screening Tool is intended to be used as a tool to help USAID staff and Implementing Partners start to understand potential impacts, manage risks, and plan for the mitigation of adverse social impacts in USAID programs and determine whether a full social impact assessment is necessary.
Environmental Impact Assessment Initial Screening Tool The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Initial Screening Tool offers preliminary guidance for identifying what potential environmental impacts are associated with USAID activities by categorizing them as “Unlikely Risk,” “Moderate/High Risk,” or “Unknown Risk.” The EIA Initial Screening Tool should be used early in the design phase to assess whether the more complex EIA Tool would be appropriate to use.
Environmental Impact Assessment Tool (Detailed)The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Tool is meant to be used after completion of the EIA Initial Screening Tool indicates a Moderate/High Risk or Unknown Risk for the project/activity in question. The EIA Tool offers overall guidance on the environmental risk screening process, a checklist to determine potential impacts, follow-up questions to the checklist, and a matrix to easily connect users with relevant Sector Environmental Guidelines. 
Environmental and Social Risk Screening Template (Combined)This Environmental and Social Risk Screening Template is intended to be used when USAID determines the best strategic approach for development assistance in a given country or region, which is articulated in Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) or Regional Development Cooperation Strategy (RDCS) documents in order to adequately plan for scheduling and costs associated with programs, projects and activities.
Preparing the IEE: Sections 1 and 2 (Project/Activity Description and Baseline Environmental Information)This factsheet outlines best practices in writing the Project/Activity Description (Section 1.0) and Baseline Environmental Information (Section 2.0). 
Preparing the IEE: Impacts and MitigationsThis fact sheet addresses best practices in writing the Analysis of Potential Environmental Risk (Section 3.0), Environmental Determinations (Section 4.0), and Conditions and Mitigation Measures (Section 5.0).
Reducing GHG Emissions in USAID Programming and Operations FactsheetThe Reducing GHG Emissions in USAID Programming and Operations factsheet offers guidance intended to inform users on sources of common greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and potential approaches for reducing GHG emission sources in USAID programming. In line with the USAID Climate Strategy 2022-2030, USAID Missions and Operating Units must address climate change in their country and regional Strategies and incorporate methods and approaches to reduce or avoid emissions in Project and Activity design and implementation.
Managing Electronic Waste in USAID Activities FactsheetThis factsheet serves as a reference guide to provide USAID activity managers and implementing partners with an overview of electronic waste (e-waste) and a guide on how to manage e-waste at the activity level in developing countries.
Montreal Protocol Guidance DocumentThe Montreal Protocol Guidance Document aims to ensure that USAID projects and purchasing decisions comply with requirements under the Montreal Protocol and its amendments. This guidance document is a supplement to the Application of the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments in USAID Purchasing Decisions factsheet.
Application of the Montreal Protocol and Its Amendments in USAID Purchasing DecisionsThis factsheet is a guidance document for integrating the Montreal Protocol and its amendments into purchasing decisions in USAID activities in order to ensure that its projects comply with current and future requirements on the use of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HFCs).
Environmental Compliance Factsheet: Ecosystem Services in Environmental Impact AssessmentThis factsheet provides users with information on ecosystem services and best practices for incorporating ecosystem service considerations into USAID’s environmental impact assessment process and environmental compliance procedures. 


Environmental Procedures factsheets Social Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment