For Immediate Release
Press Release
Ramallah – On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Anera celebrated the conclusion of the $100 million Palestinian Community Infrastructure Development (PCID) Program, funded by USAID and implemented by Anera over the past nine years (2013-2022). The celebration was attended by the USAID/West Bank and Gaza Mission Director Ms. Amy Tohill Stull, President of Anera Mr. Sean Carroll, and a few beneficiaries from the program.
The PCID Program addressed basic infrastructure needs in underserved Palestinian communities. The program incorporated the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, environment, and focused on integrating the needs of women, youth and vulnerable groups. Over the life of the program, PCID provided services to and benefitted an estimated 660,000 Palestinian people through interventions in different sectors including water and sanitation, education, community infrastructure and health.
The implementation of the program was coordinated in partnership with the relevant authorities and private sector, which led to joint efforts to maximize the benefit for the Palestinian people.
In the water and sanitation sector, the program benefitted 418,660 people by providing drinking/domestic water by expanding and rehabilitating water networks, installing house connections, and constructing water reservoirs. In communities vulnerable to flooding, proper rainwater drainage and sewage systems were installed to discharge water safely into nearby valleys. With each project implemented, the opportunities for Palestinian families to live a safer life and to obtain clean and affordable water increased, this in turn improved the health conditions for the Palestinian people.
In the education sector, the lack of space, overcrowding of classrooms, and lack of recreational facilities in many schools were among the most important reasons that prompted USAID and Anera to construct educational facilities. The PCID program contributed to creating an improved educational environment for students through building, expanding and renovating inclusive schools, adding classrooms and renovating existing ones. The interventions ensured handicap-accessibility, improved recreational facilities and the installation of new bathrooms and water-drinking units.
In the community infrastructure and health sectors, the program constructed/renovated public parks, internal roads, public markets, and community centers that serve women, youth and persons with disabilities.
Throughout the programs lifetime, quality of life and services improved to provided the Palestinian people with better infrastructure while creating job opportunities.
Key Accomplishments of the PCID Program in the West Bank and Gaza:
- 61 projects benefiting 660,000 Palestinians in 61 marginalized communities have been completed in the West Bank and Gaza.
- 18 water networks were installed and 10 water reservoirs were constructed.
- 7 communities have access to proper drainage and sewage systems.
- 418,660 people now have improved access to drinking/domestic water.
- 8 schools were renovated/constructed benefitting 2,230 students.
- 2 educational centers were constructed.
- 4 internal roads were upgraded and improved.
- 4 youth centers and 3 centers for persons with disabilities were constructed/renovated.
- 2 public parks and 2 markets were constructed/rehabilitated.
- 1 women’s center and 1 health clinic in Area C were constructed.
- 1 elderly home was renovated and expanded.
- 12,500 short-term jobs were created for Palestinian workers.