Economic growth is critical for countries to plan, finance, and implement solutions to solve their own development challenges. In line with the U.S. National Security Strategy, USAID can play a catalytic role in promoting private-sector-led economic growth, helping the countries where we work become even better trading and security partners. Our new Economic Growth Policy advances the commitment of USAID and the broader U.S. Government to promoting inclusive, sustained, and resilient economic growth in developing countries.

Enterprise-Driven Economic Growth


USAID will strengthen and diversify our partnerships to help developing countries achieve inclusive, sustained, and resilient growth.  We will work with international and local public, private, educational, faith-based, and civil-society organizations to support enterprise-driven development. Enterprise-driven development recognizes the value of private-sector engagement, while also reaching beyond traditional contracting and grantmaking models — to collaborate, co-finance, and co-design programs, tools and initiatives.

Successful economic-growth programming will be strengthened by building upon existing strategies and guidance documents including:

Private Sector Engagement Policy

Private Sector Engagement Policy

This policy is a call to action for staff from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and our partners to embrace market-based approaches as a more-sustainable way to support communities in achieving development and humanitarian outcomes at scale.

Acquisition and Assistance Strategy

Acquisition and Assistance Strategy-Implementation Plan

Critical to the success of our Transformation and advancing countries on their Journey to Self-Reliance is rethinking how we engage with both our existing and potential partners, and finding new ways to embrace entrepreneurship and creativity throughout the Program Cycle — from design, through procurement and implementation, to evaluation. 

Photo by Riaz Jahanpour for USAID

Digital Strategy 2020 - 2024

USAID has released its first-ever Digital Strategy, charting an Agency-wide vision for development and humanitarian assistance in the world’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. It sets a path to equip staff, empower partners, and shape effective programming that supports partners to become self-reliant and capable of leading their own development journeys.


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