For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance announced a $20 million award of the Justice, Rights, and Security Rapid Response Assistance (JURIS) activity to Democracy International (DI). DI’s global coalition of expert partners brings together new voices, tactics, and approaches as well as experienced, trusted international and regional USAID implementers.

With JURIS, USAID builds on its long legacy of providing rapid assistance to justice, human rights, and security advocates and defenders worldwide. The award, which will be distributed over the course of five years, will support small-scale, rapid responses around the world to address critical, time-sensitive human rights, justice, and security-related concerns and windows of opportunity in a matter of weeks.

This award provides USAID with the opportunity to support quick action and discrete activities that advance its development priorities. The activity will strengthen and supplement locally-led efforts to respond to threats and opportunities, including support to justice, rights, and security defenders, advocacy efforts, analysis, legal action, awareness raising, oversight over processes or institutions, and protection efforts for justice, rights and security in the countries where it works. 

With a shared commitment to localization and learning, USAID and DI will fortify locally-led efforts, advance innovative approaches, and pilot new partnerships. JURIS incorporates insights from behavioral science, people-centered approaches, and other evidence-based strategies to support USAID/Washington, Missions, and Operating Units around the world.

JURIS Democracy International
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