START: AUG/19/2022 | END: AUG/18/2027 | FUNDING: $19 MILLION


USAID Civil Society and Media supports and advocates for Nepali women, youth, and local communities. The activity is making public funding opportunities available to organizations led by groups that advance their community priorities.


USAID Civil Society and Media is meeting the needs of non-traditional organizations to strengthen their resilience. This includes assistance to improve advocates' responsiveness to local needs. The activity supports the development of diverse forms of media to improve the credibility of news and START information.

USAID Civil Society and Media practices localization through co-creation:

USAID is finding solutions to sub-national civil society organization leadership gaps by supporting new and emerging leadership among organizations working on issues facing women, youth, and marginalized communities. Strengthening these critical linkages between civic actors and government improves the accountability of public services for those who have traditionally been left behind.

USAID Civil Society and Media increases community engagement:

USAID creates civic spaces that strengthen the demand for democracy by providing better resources, assets, and skills to local civil society organizations and actors. These efforts are advancing the interests of historically marginalized communities.

USAID Civil Society and Media is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility:

USAID improves the availability of credible information and diverse narratives within the media ecosystem. This diverse array of voices and opinions better represents issues affecting Nepali women, youth and marginalized communities, especially those living in Madesh and Lumbini provinces.

USAID Civil Society and Media creates space for women, youth and marginalized communities:

USAID works with new and emerging civil society organizations to advance the interests of women, youth, and marginalized communities, providing them with long-term capacity development, such as sustainable financing.

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