2019-2025 • $56.4 million • Implemented by the Development Alternatives International (DAI)


Decades of authoritarian rule, instability, and violence have resulted in weak municipal institutions. After an unprecedented shift to decentralize government responsibilities, many municipal governments found themselves without the capacity to take on new responsibilities and unable to provide basic services to their citizens.


Taqarib supports Libya’s political transition by strengthening the pillars of a stable and responsive state through empowered civil society and strong local government. Taqarib, which has partnered with 33 municipalities over the life of the activity, currently works in 17 municipalities - including eight in underserved southern Libya as part of the Global Fragility Act. It bolsters local governments to navigate decentralizing public services and has helped establish local offices that explicitly support women, people with disabilities, and the environment. Taqarib reinforces community bonds and promotes citizen engagement in public dialogues and prioritization of public resources.


Municipal Service Delivery

Increase the legitimacy of local government institutions by improving their long-term technical capability to build a citizen-centered local government seeking to deliver quality services and infrastructure to their constituents 

Public Participation

Engage residents and organizations to work directly with local government to improve services through volunteerism or utilization of USAID grants and ensure residents have a role in prioritizing and monitoring how public resources are used 

Policy Execution and Reform

Build and maintain the momentum achieved in the decentralization process by putting forth regulations, laws, and policies that support decentralization and effective governance


  •  Supported municipalities with:
    • Training and materials for 182 service delivery projects (road repairs, market restoration, playgrounds, solid waste management, solar-powered street lights)
    • 4100+ pieces of equipment
    • 193 e-learning and 200 in person service-delivery courses
    • Training and materials for 30 emergency operations centers
  • Unlocked $1.5 million in municipal cost share to improve critical infrastructure
  • Strengthened relationships between municipalities through:
    • 114 peer-to-peer events for 541 city leaders
  • Bolstered civil society and community participation through:
    • 325 Champions for Change who advocate for access to national resources
    • 32 grants
    • 112 capacity building programs
  • Improved conditions for people with disabilities (PWD) through:
    • Grants, training, committees, and accessible facilities in three newly formed municipal offices
    • Education about municipal activities, including climate change
    • Partnering with the Ministry of Local Government to launch the National Program for Community Participation and Social Communication for PWD
Children in Zliten learn about recycling on Earth Day.
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