
The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing crisis of historic significance and global proportions. Affecting all of us throughout 2020, it put our interconnectivity under a microscope; with greater clarity than ever before, we understand how our own security and prosperity depend on those of our neighbors near and far.

Within this 2020 Annual Report, you will find this year’s results, several long-term successes from projects which ended this year, and breakdown of the highlights of our support for Indonesia’s COVID-19 response. These top results include:

  1. $1.62 billion mobilized since 2015 for an additional 571.1 MW of potential new renewable energy capacity — which could reach 5.3 million people;
  2. 372,000 individuals with clean drinking water and and 252,000 individuals with access to safely managed sanitation;
  3. 52,000 youth with increased employability — with over 12,000 reporting new or better employment;
  4. Nearly 2,000 household-level handwashing stations installed in 128 poor urban communities (which, upon seeing the results, funded an additional 6,000 handwashing stations of their own); 
  5. An upgrade to LAPOR that helped resolve public service complaints 73 percent faster (compared to 64 percent faster in 2019) — in addition to a LAPOR modification that now helps the government resolve the majority of COVID-19-related complaints in under two days; and
  6. Since 2015, we have helped install one-fifth of Indonesia’s new renewable energy supply, improving access for over 3.3 million people.

It is an honor to share our hard-earned 2020 results with you through this report. Moving forward, we will continue to help beat this pandemic, safely reopen the economy, and realize brighter and healthier futures for us all.
