
Ongoing conflict, organized armed group (OAG) and organized criminal group (OCG) activity, recurrent climatic shocks, and internal and regional displacement have generated significant humanitarian needs across Nigeria. OAG attacks since 2013 and subsequent clashes with government forces have resulted in high levels of insecurity in northeastern Nigeria, displacing approximately 2.3 million people and generating severe protection risk for civilians. In 2024, approximately 7.9 million people in northeastern Nigeria are expected to require humanitarian assistance, including emergency food assistance, safe drinking water, and relief commodities, as well as health, nutrition, protection, shelter, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions. Separately, in northwestern Nigeria, OCG activity and intercommunal conflict have generated widespread humanitarian needs, displacing an estimated 1 million people within the region. In response, USAID is providing life-saving food, shelter, nutrition, protection, WASH, and other sector assistance to at-risk communities across the country. USAID funding also mitigates the effects of climatic shocks on vulnerable populations in Nigeria and works to improve communities' resilience to shocks.

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