
Hostilities between Israel and Lebanese armed group Hizballah—which reignited after Hizballah began rocket attacks against Israel in October 2023 and escalated substantially in September 2024—resulted in significant humanitarian need in Lebanon amid widespread conflict-related displacement and the large-scale destruction of civilian infrastructure. The conflict exacerbated humanitarian needs resulting from several concurrent socioeconomic shocks and crises since 2019, including disease outbreak, explosions at the Port of Beirut in 2020, macroeconomic decline, and political instability. Prior to the escalation of hostilities in September, 3.7 million people—65 percent of the country's population—were estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance throughout 2024, and the country hosted more than 1.5 million refugees who had fled conflict in Syria, according to the UN.

USAID remains committed to supporting partners in reaching local, migrant, and refugee populations across Lebanon with lifesaving humanitarian assistance, including food and nutrition assistance, health care services, protection and shelter support, and water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions. USAID provided more than $89 million in humanitarian assistance in Fiscal Year 2024 alone to address the needs of vulnerable populations residing throughout Lebanon.

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