When I was first hired to work at USAID/PEPFAR in 2005, there were only around 30 staff in the Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA), and everybody did almost everything. My work covered many areas, from primary prevention to surveys and surveillance, operations research, injection safety, health policy, and country support. I had the privilege to participate in the initial rollout of key programs, which included the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), voluntary medical male circumcision (VMCC), and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

I feel my greatest achievements over the years were the initial establishment of key population policies and the development and rollout of oral PrEP. PEPFAR has become more focused, strategic, and efficient over time, with increased country ownership and better overall program efficiencies, especially around cost efficiency. I have many fond memories from the field working with Foreign Service National (FSN) staff, implementing partners, and governments.

PEPFAR has become more focused, strategic, and efficient over time. The biggest changes are increased country ownership and better overall program efficiencies.

Benny Kottiri is a Research Division Chief in the USAID Office of HIV/AIDS

Benny group shot
PEPFAR Staff Profile