I have been with USAID for 33 years, 15 of which have been with USAID/PEPFAR. The PEPFAR program has evolved in South Africa and globally, from a focus on getting people to test to initiating and retaining treatment for those living with HIV. There has been a shift in focus that prioritizes HIV prevention among adolescents and young women, which not only focuses on clinical care, but on social determinants to HIV and health services for young women who bear the brunt of HIV infections.

USAID/PEPFAR has contributed immensely to South Africa's national response to HIV/AIDS. We recall the period where as a nation we were burying people daily due to HIV/AIDS. These days, people live longer, happy lives. I believe as a nation we are indebted to PEPFAR's support to have over 7 million people on HIV treatment today.

My fondest memory of my work at USAID/PEPFAR is the celebration of the 100,000th patient initiated on HIV treatment by one of our implementing partners, at a time when people were still dying from HIV. This is the moment that I knew that PEPFAR was making a difference in South African lives.

Nomea Masihelo is in the Care and Treatment Division at USAID Southern Africa


Nomea Masihelo Speaking
PEPFAR Staff Profile