Twenty years ago, our community was profoundly impacted by the HIV epidemic. HIV/AIDS carried a heavy burden of stigma and discrimination, with limited understanding and knowledge about the virus. People living with HIV faced social isolation, discrimination, and limited access to healthcare services. The prevalence of HIV was high and the lack of effective treatment options resulted in a significant loss of lives. Our focus was primarily on providing compassionate care and support to individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

However, much progress has been made in how HIV impacts our community. With advancements in medical research and the availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART), the landscape has transformed. Today, individuals with HIV have access to life-saving treatment, leading to improved health outcomes and prolonged life expectancy. HIV is approached as a manageable chronic condition. While challenges remain, such as stigma and discrimination, we continue to work tirelessly to provide comprehensive HIV prevention, care, and support services.

With support from PEPFAR and technical support and capacity development from USAID’s ACHIEVE project, our organization has had a significant impact. Our role has expanded to encompass comprehensive HIV prevention and treatment services. We shifted our focus towards promoting early diagnosis, treatment access, and medication regimen adherence.

A monthly home visit by a Community Case Worker

A monthly home visit by a Community Case Worker (CCW). With the case management approach, PASADA assigns a trained CCW to an enrolled household. Often it is the CCW who helps vulnerable families turn their lives around. Photo Credit: Aidan Tarimo/Pact

We became actively involved in HIV testing campaigns, providing counseling and support to encourage individuals to know their status. Additionally, we implemented programs to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and to address the specific needs of vulnerable populations, such as children, adolescents, and key populations at higher risk of infection. Our organization has evolved into a key player in delivering integrated HIV services, striving to achieve viral suppression, reduce new infections, and improve the quality of life for all individuals affected by HIV in our community.

One time, we organized a bonanza for youth living with HIV, providing them with a supportive and nurturing environment to share their experiences, hopes, and challenges. Clients who initially came with feelings of isolation and despair left with a renewed sense of purpose and a network of support from their peers. Witnessing their personal growth and seeing them embrace life with renewed optimism was truly heartwarming and a testament to the impact of our work.We are immensely proud of our impact on improving health outcomes, reducing new infections, and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals and families affected by HIV in our community. Our achievements highlight our commitment to providing quality care, implementing evidence-based interventions, and leveraging partnerships to make a difference.

The best part of our work is knowing that we are making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve, fostering hope, resilience, and a brighter future for individuals and communities impacted by HIV.

Our organization's work in the community is distinguished by its comprehensive and holistic approach to addressing the HIV epidemic. We pride ourselves on going beyond the traditional medical model of care and integrating spiritual and psychosocial support into our programs. 

Additionally, our organization emphasizes community engagement and empowerment. We involve community members in decision-making, ensuring that our interventions are culturally sensitive and responsive to their unique needs. We also employ innovative strategies to reach underserved populations and provide services in hard-to-reach areas.

People sitting around a desk for a consultation.

An Enhanced Adherence Counseling session at PASADA’s Upendano Dispensary. This session plays a vital role in ensuring the successful management of HIV/AIDS treatment and adherence to medication regimens. Photo Credit: Aidan Tarimo/Pact

Every day, we have the privilege of working with a dedicated team passionate about making a difference. Joy and fulfillment come from seeing our clients empowered, resilient, and thriving despite their challenges. Witnessing their journey of acceptance, access to treatment, and improved health outcomes is incredibly rewarding. 

The relationships we build with our clients, their families, and the community are based on trust, empathy, and support, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. The best part of our work is knowing that we are making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve, fostering hope, resilience, and a brighter future for individuals and communities impacted by HIV.

Pastoral Activities and Services for people with AIDS Dar es Salaam Archdiocese (PASADA), Tanzania

Years as a USAID/PEPFAR partner: 20

PEPFAR Partner Profile