Multilateral Partnerships

USAID's investments in HIV and family planning aim to ensure that all women, men, and youth living with HIV have access to sexual and reproductive health services that can significantly reduce unplanned pregnancies, maternal deaths, and new pediatric HIV infections.

The U.S. Government invests significant resources into multilateral institutions for policy and programmatic engagement and the provision of technical assistance to achieve global health targets. USAID actively engages with global multilateral partners such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and the World Health Organization (WHO). USAID provides financial management and programmatic oversight of HIV Global Fund technical assistance activities, manages USAID’s agreements with the Global Fund and UNAIDS, and supports donor coordination.

Our Approach and Results

USAID takes a three-pronged multilateral approach to HIV/AIDS. 

  1. Country Support: USAID supports the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) programs by facilitating communication and coordination between USAID Missions, the Global Fund, UNAIDS, and other multilateral stakeholders to ensure that unified policy and program approaches are implemented and that investments are leveraged to achieve global and national HIV targets.

  2. Policy Engagement: USAID actively participates within the U.S. government interagency processes to design and implement policies that enable PEPFAR, the Global Fund, UNAIDS, and other multilateral stakeholders to achieve mutual objectives. This includes participating in the U.S. government’s delegations to the Global Fund and UNAIDS Board and committee meetings as well as ensuring that policies are translated into successful implementation.

  3. Program Management: USAID manages the U.S. Government’s agreement with the Global Fund and the Agency’s agreement with UNAIDS. The Global Fund agreement includes the U.S. government’s annual contributions in support of the HIV, TB, and malaria country grants. The UNAIDS agreement leverages the organization’s expertise to develop global HIV policy, harness data for decision-making, maximize financial resource mobilization, and accelerate effective, efficient implementation to achieve global and national HIV targets.

In 2023, the enhancement of multilateral partnerships was evident through country support, policy engagement, and the continued program management oversight of the UNAIDS agreement and Global Fund Technical Assistance activities. USAID conducted policy analyses to prepare for participation in Global Fund and UNAIDS Board and committee meetings and convened technical exchanges with the Global Fund focused on key population and human rights issues as well as sustainability. At the country level, USAID increased collaboration with Global Fund and UNAIDS country offices on PEPFAR regional operational plan development for better program alignment, including the critical topic of HIV response sustainability. Additionally, USAID expanded its regional partnerships for HIV, focusing on key partners such as the African Union, ASEAN, and COMISCA.