Innovation and Impact Newletter Archives


Innovation and Impact Newsletter - Q1 2024

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - Q2 2024

In this issue:

  • Outbreak Response to Health System Strengthening: How COVID-19 Digital Health Investments Can Build Health System Resilience
  • Advancing Safe Blood Access
  • Investing in Fund-of-Funds
  • Digital health at the G20 Health Working Group Meetings

Read the Q2 2024 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - Q1 2024

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - Q1 2024

In this issue:

  • CII’s 2023 Impact Brief
  • USAID, CHAI, GETF launch AMRASI, a cross-sectoral coalition tackling antimicrobial resistance
  • CII partners with USAID/Vietnam, BCG on innovative financing workshop for primary health care in Vietnam
  • Global Initiative on Digital Health celebrates public launch

Read the Q1 2024 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - Q4 2023

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - Q4 2023

In this issue:

  • Advancing Safe Blood Access
  • USAID launches new project to combat antimicrobial resistance
  • Transform Health Fund invests in expanding access to services for chronic and acute kidney diseases in East Africa
  • Digital health transformation in Kenya

Read the Q4 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

CII Launches 10th Anniversary Video

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - August/September 2023

In this issue:

  • CII Launches 10th Anniversary Video
  • CII’s Eli Kahn-Woods contributes to CGD antimicrobial resistance report
  • Country Innovation Platform - Ghana Pilot receives 135 innovation applications
  • Digital REACH achieves project milestone

Read the August/September 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Vision for Health

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - July 2023

In this issue:

  • CII Launched Technical Guidance Note 2 to Implement USAID's Digital Health Vision
  • CII analyzes digital health challenges in collaboration with country-based Mission staffs
  • CII partner Transform Health Fund reaches first close
  • CII partner AMP Health’s 2023 Annual Report highlights localized innovation

Read the July 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Humentum logo

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - June 2023

In this issue:

  • Country Innovation Platform Ghana Pilot Launches Open Call
  • CII Partners to Advance Thinking at the Climate-Health Nexus
  • CII helps reimagine collaboration
  • CII at the 2023 Global Goods Innovators Summit

Read the June 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Discerning Demand: A Guide to Self-Driven Product Development and Introduction

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - May 2023

In this issue:

  • How to discern demand for new products? CII co-creates report to help global health funders and investors answer this question
  • CII Partners to Advance Thinking at the Climate-Health Nexus
  • CII Advisors Present at the Global Digital Development Forum
  • CII’s work championed at IMF spring side event

Read the May 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Playbook for Designing Human-Centered Health Systems

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - April 2023

In this issue:

  • CII’s co-created Playbook for Designing Human-Centered Health Systems launches!
  • CII’s work highlighted at the Global Health Equity Network’s Learning Community
  • CII hosts webinar on the Primer on Digital Solutions for COVID-19 Vaccination Service Delivery
  • CII’s work championed at IMF spring side event

Read the April 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Ghana Health Service launches the Country Innovation Platform

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - March 2023

In this issue:

  • Congrats to Ghana Health Service on Launch of Country Innovation Platform
  • Honored to serve as VinFuture Prize nominator
  • Promoting conversations in digital health at workshop hosted by WHO and GAVI
  • CII speaks at side event for the UN’s 67th Commission on the Status of Women

Read the March 2023 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

CII Impact Briefer cover

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - September 2022

In this issue:

  • CII 2022 Impact Brief: Celebrating 10 years of innovation and impact
  • Our work at a glance
  • How we work
  • CII in action

Read the September 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

CommCare and Dimagi logos | Photo courtesy of TechChange

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - August 2022

In this issue:

  • CommCare innovation featured in Tech Change video series discussing global goods
  • USAID’s Oxygen Ecosystem program showcased in recent blog
  • Global Digital Health Network issues call for abstracts
  • SAMRIDH selected as finalist for PPP Award

Read the August 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

workers in Vietnam

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - July 2022

In this issue:

  • USAID announces advancement of efforts to expand access to medical oxygen in 50 facilities globally
  • CII’s Merrick Schaefer supports release of Global Goods Guidebook
  • CII innovator Simprints partnering with Gavi and Arm to improve vaccination rates in Ghana
  • CII’s Adele Waugaman serves as advisor for new Broadband Commission report

Read the July 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

AMP Health 2022 Annual Report cover | Photo courtesy of AMP Health

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - June 2022

In this issue:

  • Aspen Management Partnership for Health releases 2022 Annual Report
  • PLM Steering Committee meeting highlights new partnership opportunities
  • CII Senior Digital Health Coordinator interviewed in Pharmaphorum feature
  • CII Market Access Advisor discusses blended finance at Palladium webinar on private health start-ups

Read the June 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

USAID Administrator emphasizes Digital Health Vision potential for impact | Photo courtesy of GDDF

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - May 2022

In this issue:

  • USAID Administrator highlights Digital Health Vision in keynote speech at the Global Digital Development Forum
  • White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) report spotlights health Grand Challenges
  • USAID Administrator and Coca-Cola executives underscore Project Last Mile (PLM) partnership
  • Acting Director Amy Lin delivers keynote address at Bay Area Global Health Alliance Annual Meeting

Read the May 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Acting Deputy Director Tyler and other panelists on gasworld session | Photo courtesy of Gasworld

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - March/April 2022

In this issue:

  • Acting Deputy Director Nikki Tyler speaks at Gasworld medical gasses event
  • Financing Alliance for Health named 2022 Skoll Foundation Awardee
  • CII selected to serve as VinFuture Prize nominator
  • OECD Secretary-General launches report on digital transformation - with inputs from CII’s Adele Waugaman - at high-level panel

Read the March/April 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Medical oxygen delivery in Tajikistan | Photo credit USAID

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - February 2022

In this issue:

  • Strengthening oxygen ecosystems during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Project Last Mile working to increase men's uptake of HIV services in South Africa
  • CII Acting Director Amy Lin talks health innovation at Devex Prescription for Progress event
  • Map & Match findings of ~3,000 digital tools for COVID across 156 countries to be shared in webinar

Read the February 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.

Examples of people-centered metrics | Photo courtesy of Data.FI

Innovation and Impact Newsletter - January 2022

In this issue:

  • People-Centered Metrics for HIV resource launched
  • PLM working to increase uptake of vaccines through TikTok campaign
  • GSTC supporting innovators to develop surgical training modules
  • USAID Digital Health Vision highlighted in OECD report

Read the January 2022 Innovation and Impact Newsletter.