USAID partners with the Government of Armenia, civil society, and the media sector to promote more transparent and participatory governance that is responsive to citizens. Activities support the implementation of a range of stated reform goals of the government that will lead to more effective and transparent governance, reduced corruption, and improved protection of human rights. Along with several other donors, USAID is supporting the Armenian government’s ambitious territorial and administrative reform, which aims to improve the quality of local governance and service delivery; increase citizen participation in democratic processes; devolve administrative authority; and spur domestic resource mobilization.
USAID also supports civil society and media efforts to promote the constructive engagement of citizens in all areas of democratic life, including in the fight against corruption, and the strengthening of election processes. USAID promotes efforts to increase citizen access to reliable sources of information, while educating citizens to become savvy media consumers who expect high quality reporting. Activities also help consolidate the efforts of the human rights community to build additional institutional guarantees for stronger human rights protection in Armenia.
Local Governance Reform Activity
Partner: Territorial Development Fund of Armenia | Active: August 2015-June 2022
Provides assistance to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure to implement the Territorial and Administrative Reform of Armenia and strengthen local governance through improved service delivery to constituents and provides matching grants for community development in 13 consolidated clusters.
Local Works
Partner: Multiple awards | Active: Ongoing
Promotes locally-led and community-centered development in consolidated communities through support for citizen-identified community priorities. The program encourages communities to become self-reliant so that they envision, own, and lead community development processes, and garner the support they need to enhance their resilience and reduce dependence on the central government.
Small Project Assistance (SPA)- Inter-Agency Partnership Agreement (PAPA)
Partner: Peace Corps | Active: Ongoing
Provides small grant assistance to Peace Corps Volunteers and their communities to pursue low-cost, grassroots sustainable development.
Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG)
Partner: Communities Finance Officers Association | Active: September 2014- March 2022
Mobilizes citizens around targeted reform areas, including Territorial and Administrative Reform and improved local governance.
Armenia Support Initiative
Partner: Management Systems International (MSI) | Active: August 2019- February 2022
Partners with the government and civil society to support the Armenian government’s reform agenda at the national and local levels and mobilizes citizens in support of social projects.
Media for Informed Civic Engagement
Partner: Media Initiatives Center | Active: September 2014- March 2022
Improves citizens’ access to independent and reliable sources of information. This media-for-development approach focuses on priority reform areas and strengthens the media’s capacity to be independent and meet professional industry standards.
Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA)
Partner: Eurasia Partnership Foundation | Active: June 2020- June 2022
Strengthens the institutional capacity of local Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and improves CSO capacity for evidence-based policy analysis, input and effective communication. DATA builds on USAID’s previous Civil Society Organization Development Program in an effort to support them in becoming successful actors in building a more engaged, prosperous and well-governed Armenian society.
Strengthening Electoral Processes and Political Accountability (SEPPA)
Partner: Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening - International Foundation of Election Systems (IFES), National Democratic Institute (NDI) & International Republican Institute (IRI) | Active: September 2018-September 2022
Leverages the political will and energy created by the government transition in Armenia to build government capacity to respond to strategic priorities, improve election administration and oversight, and strengthen institutions of political accountability for inclusive political competition.
Technical Assistance to the Audit Chamber of Armenia
Partner: U.S. Government Accountability Office/Center of Audit Excellence | Active: June 2020- June 2023
Provides capacity building, training, and consultancy services to the Audit Chamber of Armenia in an effort to combat corruption and address recommendations identified by the U.S. Government Accountability Office during a needs assessment conducted at the Audit Chamber in Spring of 2019.
Integrity Project
Partner: Dexis Consulting Group | Active: March 2021-March 2026
Works to advance a systemic approach to prevent corruption by strengthening linkages between the Corruption Prevention Commission, national and sub-national governments, civil society and the private sector to pilot and institutionalize best-functioning approaches, and develop effective monitoring and prevention capabilities, as well as instill a culture of zero tolerance towards corruption in Armenian society.
Local Works: Research and Analysis Services
Partner: Prism | Active: April 2020- November 2020
Provides research and analysis services for rapid assessments in 10 consolidated communities of Armenia. The assessments will inform the selection of target/pilot communities for Armenia’s Local Works activities.
Civil Society Organizations Development Program (CSO DePo)
Partner: Eurasia Partnership Foundation | Active: June 2014-June 2019 |
The project worked to develop the capacities of Armenian civil society organizations to become more business-oriented as well as sustainable service providers. CSO DePo also expanded the pool of professional and organizationally strong local partners in the country.
Promoting Transparency and Accountability through Advanced Civil Society Participation/ Engaged Citizenry for Responsible Governance
Partner: Transparency International Anticorruption Center | Active: November 2014- December 2021
Supports locally led civil society consortia to mobilize citizens around the targeted reform areas of anti-corruption and improved transparency and accountability.
Support for the Sustainability of the Center for Development of Legislation and Legal Studies
Partner: Ministry of Justice | Active: September 2019-March 2021
Supports the Ministry of Justice to enhance its institutional capacity and expertise in legislative drafting, review, and analysis through the establishment of the Center for Development of Legislation and Legal Studies.
Investment Support Program
Partner: Dalberg Consulting | Active: June 2019-March 2020
Supports the Government of Armenia’s democratic reform agenda through the provision of technical assistance to the Ministry of Justice on capacity building, strategic planning, and coordination with the newly established Corruption Prevention Commission.
Establishment of the Center for Development of Legislation and Legal Studies
Partner: Ministry of Justice | Active: September 2016-September 2019
This Government to Government (G2G) activity supported Armenia's Ministry of Justice to enhance its institutional capacity and expertise in legislative drafting, review, and analysis through establishment of the Center for Development of Legislation and Legal Studies.
Digitalization of Court Materials and Introduction of Electronic Court Filing in the Republic of Armenia
Partner: Ministry of Justice | Active: April 2017-April 2019
This Government to Government (G2G) activity helped increase the transparency and efficiency of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia through the use of the Court Automatic System Tool. The activity also improved the accessibility of public services for information users through digitizing case management data.
Support to the Audit Chamber
Partner: Audit Chamber of the Republic of Armenia | Active: February 2019-August 2019
Under a Memorandum of Understanding between USAID and the Audit Chamber, USAID worked to strengthen the audit function of the Chamber and support its reforms in accordance with the Republic of Armenia “Law on the Audit Chamber” that was adopted in January 2018.