Our Mission: USAID’s Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization seeks to create stable and peaceful societies.

USAID’s Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization partners with communities in countries affected by conflict to build the foundations for peace and stability. These investments support U.S. national security by breaking the costly cycle of instability brought on by conflict and violence.

The Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization leads and coordinates USAID’s investments in peacebuilding, addressing state fragility, stability, conflict and violence prevention, and political transition. Addressing these complex and overlapping challenges requires the right balance of development, diplomacy, and defense―the three Ds of U.S. foreign policy. To succeed, the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization pursues locally-led solutions and prioritizes and advances diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workforce to drive better decision making. Positioning itself alongside the Department of State’s diplomatic efforts and the Department of Defense’s security-driven efforts, the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization implements an integrated approach to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

The Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization has five offices headquartered in Washington, D.C.

  • The Office of Transition Initiatives, supports U.S. foreign policy by seizing emerging windows of opportunity in the political landscape to promote stability, peace, and democracy by catalyzing local initiatives through adaptive and agile programming.
  • The Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention provides USAID Missions with expertise and funding to improve development outcomes in areas affected by fragility, conflict, and violence.
  • The Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation partners with the Department of Defense to address conflict and fragility, advance strategic competition, and manage global security risks by informing national security policy and fostering civilian-military partnerships and understanding.
  • The Program Office influences U.S. government policies to promote global peace and stability, prevent and respond to mass atrocities, counter terrorism, and empower women’s participation in preventing and resolving conflict.
  • The Office of Administrative Management Services partners with Agency stakeholders to provide human resources, operations, professional development, and financial support to the Bureau.

Responsive and Agile Support

USAID’s Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization deploys agile funding and expertise to respond to crises and political transitions.

  • The Transition Initiatives account enables rapid programming to take advantage of new opportunities to support political transitions and address conflict.
  • The Complex Crises Fund enables timely investments to catalyze peace and mitigate conflict in advance or in the face of unforeseen crises or violence.
  • The People-to-People Reconciliation Fund brings together conflict-affected groups to peacefully interact in order to address divisions that prevent a country’s ability to manage conflict.
  • The Women, Peace, and Security Incentive Fund advances women’s meaningful participation in preventing and resolving conflict, countering violent extremism, and building post-conflict peace and stability. USAID invests in women’s leadership and empowerment to help break cycles of conflict and crisis.
  • The Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation leverages the Department of Defense expertise and resources to support USAID’s development objectives and advance programming in a wide variety of sectors and thematic areas.

Find out more about USAID’s Bureau for CPS.

Photo of Brittany Brown

Brittany Brown

Acting Assistant to the Administrator

Brittany Brown serves as acting Assistant to the Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS).

Laura Pavlovic

Laura Pavlovic

Senior Deputy Assistant to the Administrator

Laura Pavlovic is Senior Deputy Assistant to the Administrator of the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS)

Official photo of Ciara Knudsen

Ciara Knudsen

Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator

Ciara Knudsen serves as Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization.

Official photo of Randy Fray

Randolph (Randy) Flay

Acting Deputy Assistant to the Administrator and Director, Office of Transition Initiatives

Randolph (Randy) Flay serves as the acting Deputy Assistant to the Administrator and Director for the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) in the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization.

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