The President’s Malaria Initiative (PM) VectorLink Zambia Project has been named a winner in the USAID 2022 Digital Development Awards for deploying a suite of digital tools in support of the Ministry of Health-led malaria vector control campaigns. The map-based data collection, monitoring, and capacity building improve malaria control programs.

Why VectorLink Won
Vector control programs such as distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are some of the best ways of combating malaria. The PMI VectorLink Zambia Project harnessed the latest, most granular data available to inform the planning and monitoring of malaria vector control interventions. The maps updated by PMI VectorLink, coupled with USAID support during the planning processes, strengthened the National Malaria Elimination Program’s (NMEP) capacity to use the latest data to operationalize their strategy and ultimate goal of covering 100 percent of the population with at least one malaria prevention program. The result has led to increased coverage of malaria control campaigns in hard-to-reach areas across Zambia.

The colors on the dashboard help me easily identify areas that are not meeting the target,” explains Mwanida Mwanza, an indoor residual spray manager in Kaoma, Western Province.

A man looks down at a tablet with a map on the screen.
Mwanida Mwanza uses digital maps to determine if indoor residual spraying has reached the necessary 90% coverage in Kaoma, Western Province. Photo credit: AkrosMwanida Mwanza uses digital maps to determine if indoor residual spraying has reached the necessary 90% coverage in Kaoma, Western Province. Photo credit: Akros

The project supported the Zambian National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and stakeholder workforce to use and apply the geospatial data for decision-making and to build a culture around data-use and technology to help the Zambian Ministry of Health meet its targets for malaria prevention. Additionally, PMI VectorLink is supporting the Ministry to integrate project files into their routine data systems for expanded, long-term use of the datasets.

From 2017 - 2022, The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, through USAID, supported PMI VectorLink to work in Zambia and 22 other countries in sub-Saharan Africa as well as Cambodia and Colombia. The PMI VectorLink Zambia Project helped Zambia and other countries plan and implement safe, cost-effective, and sustainable IRS campaigns, deliver ITN, and provide other life-saving malaria vector control interventions with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria.