Kafue National Park and the surrounding game management areas form one of the largest conservation areas in the world. The Kafue landscape, which has the highest diversity of hoofed animals in the world, is vital to the livelihoods of local communities. However, poverty in these communities, combined with gaps in resource protection and management, have led to poaching, overfishing, unsustainable forest clearing, and destructive, out-of-control fires. Such ecological erosion not only threatens the future prosperity of communities in the area, but the entire ecosystem.

The USAID Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance works closely with government, private market sector actors, and community organizations to improve the protection and management of wildlife, forests, and fisheries in game management areas on the eastern part of the Kafue landscape. The Alliance uses integrated, market-driven approaches to improve the health, livelihood opportunities, and prosperity of approximately 200,000 people in local communities. 

  • Life of Project: September 2021 - September 2026
  • Geographic Focus: Eastern Kafue National Park and surrounding Game Management Areas in parts of Southern, Central, and North-Western provinces
  • Implementing Partner: The Nature Conservancy
  • Chief of Party: Simon Munthali
  • Total Funding: $21.3 million
  • USAID Zambia Contact: Jassiel M’soka - jmsoka@usaid.gov


goal one 

Strengthen and expand community-led and community-supported efforts to protect forests, fisheries, and wildlife. 

goal two 

Improve the health, livelihood opportunities, and prosperity of local communities through integrated, market-driven approaches.

goal three 

Support community-led development and implementation of natural resources management and land use plans to counter wildlife trafficking, forest degradation, and wildlife habitat loss.


  • Supported the establishment of 9 Village Action Groups and a Community Resources Board in Ngabwe, Lower Lunga Luswishi Game Management Area. These are the first ever wildlife community governance structures in this part of the Game Management Area. 
  • Contracted and trained 1,200 farmers in organic production of chia, quinoa, chilies, and soybean.
  • Engaged resource protection and monitoring partners to support community resource protection efforts in Nkala, Mumbwa, Namwala, and Lunga Luswishi Game Management Areas. Law enforcement and biodiversity monitoring plans were developed to support 121 community scouts.
  • Completed baseline surveys for maternal and child health interventions in the project landscape. Recruited 50 community health workers to conduct mentorship of Safe Motherhood Action Group members to enable them effectively implement awareness campaigns on balanced nutrition, reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality, and improve maternal and neonatal health and prevent death during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period.