The USAID Luangwa Livelihood and Conservation activity works in three Game Management Areas in the Luangwa Valley of Zambia. It is part of the USAID Health Ecosystems and Agriculture for Resilient Thriving Societies Global Development Alliance portfolio, which engages private sector partners to collaboratively implement integrated sustainable development activities that conserve high-biodiversity landscapes and improve the well-being and prosperity of communities that depend on these landscapes. Private sector partners have provided $10 million in private financing to match the USAID investment in Luangwa. 

The Luangwa activity provides improved nutrition and access to safe drinking water, educational services, and diversified and sustainable conservation-compatible livelihoods to communities in the targeted areas along with support to community governance institutions to strengthen disincentives for illegal activities, such as charcoal production and poaching. These activities will help the community protect the 400 species of birds and 140 species of mammals, including black rhinos and elephants. 

  • Life of Project: January 2022 - January 2027
  • Geographic Focus: Luangwa Valley
  • Implementing Partner: Frankfurt Zoological Society and private sector partners
  • Chief of Party: Marisa Coetzee
  • Total USAID Funding: $10,000,000
  • USAID Zambia Contact: Angela Kabuswe -


goal one 

Increase the number of hectares of biologically significant areas under improved natural resource management in the Luangwa Valley by 10 percent and increase the population growth of key species, namely black rhino.

goal two 

Introduce conservation compatible businesses and livelihood options such as honey production, climate smart agriculture, sustainable fisheries, community tourism to 100,000 people living in the Luangwa Game Management Areas and associated value chains. Support those people to access micro finance and loan facilities in order to increase incomes and reduce poverty at household level.

goal three 

Increase the number of people gaining access to basic drinking water and improved maternal child health, nutrition and educational services.


  • 1,950,993 hectares of biologically significant areas are under improved natural resource management
  • 448,157 hectares of biologically significant areas showed improved biophysical conditions, with an increasing healthy rhino population in the North Luangwa National Park
  • 4,170 small scale farmers were recruited and trained in conservation agriculture
  • 34,050 kilogram certified legume seeds distributed to new farmers in Chikwa and Chifunda Chiefdoms to boost agricultural production and incomes
  • 1,850,000 fast-growing Gliricidia Sepium tree seedlings were transplanted in the two Chiefdoms of Chikwa and Chifunda to produce fuelwood, fix nitrogen efficiently and enrich poor soils
  • 400 farmers trained and supported in beekeeping as an alternative to producing charcoal
  • 50 community health workers trained to form Safe Motherhood Action Groups and deliver maternal and child health services including antenatal care visits and delivery in a health facility for pregnant women 
Zambia Active Project