
Saturday, May 9, 2020

The USAID Sustainable HIV and Tuberculosis Response from Technical Assistance (SHIFT) project strengthens and delivers innovative enhancements in HIV and Tuberculosis services and helps transition the HIV/AIDS response to host country ownership in six provinces in Vietnam in order to accomplish the country’s ambitious target of eliminating HIV by 2030. Over the last two months, COVID-19 related social distancing guidelines and hesitation to engage with the public healthcare system has slowed HIV testing in Vietnam. To help increase HIV testing as Vietnam’s COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, USAID SHIFT sent text messages to users of Blued, Vietnam’s most popular dating app among men who have sex with men, with a link to an online platform where they can book appointments for HIV related services. Within one day, Blued users booked 72 appointments for HIV testing, 17 appointments for PrEP, and 16 appointments for antiretroviral therapy.

So What? By engaging a trusted brand like Blued, USAID SHIFT is using innovative methods to increase demand for HIV testing and other HIV services as social distancing measures are lifted.

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