
Saturday, May 15, 2021

USAID’s Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project has a longstanding partnership with Blued, the most popular dating app among men who have sex with men in Vietnam, to reach individuals at risk of HIV and connect them to services. On April 26-27, EpiC supported the launch of a new advertisement series focused on helping clients learn about and access HIV preventative medication (pre-exposure prophylaxis, known as PrEP). Within 24 hours, more than 16,000 Blued users engaged with the advertisement, landing them on the project’s online reservation application Suc Khoe Connect. Through the platform, 147 clients spoke with online outreach workers to learn about PrEP and how and where to access it. More than 20 clients scheduled appointments on that first day at USAID-supported clinics and another seven were connected with other health organizations. Online outreach workers will continue to build relationships with these potential clients to link them to HIV services wherever they are based.

By leveraging social media and dating applications used by key populations, USAID provides information, connections and access to target communities, and key support to Vietnam to end HIV transmission by 2030.

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