

The United States is the largest bilateral investor in Côte d’Ivoire’s health sector, with over $2.3 billion invested since 2003. USAID invests in the government of Côte d’Ivoire’s efforts to reach HIV epidemic control through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), eliminate malaria through the President’s Malaria Initiative, and strengthen maternal and child health and family planning services as an Agency priority. USAID supports Côte d’Ivoire’s ability to prevent, detect and respond to infectious disease threats through the Global Health Security Agenda. USAID also assists the government in strengthening primary health care, with a focus on community health, and achieving universal health coverage with an emphasis on sustainability and domestic resource mobilization.


USAID invests in democratic processes and institutions to become more inclusive and representative of all the people of Côte d’Ivoire. USAID partners with conflict-affected communities to address local conflict drivers and adopt mechanisms that strengthen social cohesion and peaceful resolution of disputes. USAID strengthens community resilience and learning to prevent the spread of violent extremism in the northern border region. Building on recent land tenure laws, USAID improves women’s access to land and land ownership in western and northern parts of the country. 


USAID promotes economic growth in Côte d’Ivoire through private sector engagement, access to finance, trade and investment, energy, environment, and sanitation. Through both the West Africa Trade and Investment Hub and the Africa Trade and Investment Program, USAID works to attract investment to boost regional and global trade. Through the Power Africa Initiative, USAID supports the development of new clean power generation, connections and the mobilization of partnerships and investments. In addition, USAID  in collaboration with municipalities,  provides households in peri-urban areas with latrines, septic tanks, and soak pits at an affordable price. 


  • Facilitated the vaccination of 65% of the eligible population of Côte d'Ivoire against COVID-19. 
  • Distributed 9.4 million bed nets and 18.7 million rapid malaria diagnostic tests, and provided more than 25,000 trainings to healthcare workers on malaria prevention and case management. 
  • Reached over 41,000 direct participants through roughly 1,000 distinct activities, not including the 2,000 hours of community radio programs, and thousands of social media influencer engagements across the remote northern border region to prevent the spread of violent extremism and conflict since 2021.
  • Mobilized government and private sector entities to provide driver licenses, license plates, identity papers, and access to health and vehicle insurance to more than 10,000 individuals in remote communities, thus improving state-society relations. 
  • Contributed to the formalization of the land rights of 2,592 between 2022 and 2024.
  • Supported the official registration of 31 community-based livelihoods associations and donated 31 tricycles impacting the livelihoods of about 600 women in 2023.
  • Facilitated more than 1.3 million new electrical connections in Côte d’Ivoire which is the highest number of new connections realized by the West Africa Energy Program in a country.
  • Trained over 2,000 cashew farmers and exported $9 million worth of cashew nuts through a co-investment with an American cashew producer.
  • Supported 1,883 farmers through training and extension services which resulted in $4 million worth of exports for cashew kernels, shea butter, and fresh mangoes.
cote d'ivoire