
July 30, 2021, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded regional Social Innovation in Central Asia program implemented by Eurasia Foundation, together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Turkmenistan hosted a youth forum dedicated to ‘World Day against Trafficking in Persons’ with participation from 60 young leaders from different regions of Turkmenistan, and representatives from the Ministry of Sport and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the State Migration Services, public organizations, and international agencies.

Addressing the participants, Ms. Nino Nadiradze, USAID Country Representative to Turkmenistan, noted, “This forum is a good opportunity for young people to share their thoughts and to be heard. Having been in the country for nearly ten months now, I am always thrilled when I see young people working in service of their communities, advancing social change, and building companies to improve lives with new ideas. Young people, around the world, are a source of great potential that can be harnessed to improve the world we live in, bridge inequalities, and accelerate development. Investing in the development of young people creates opportunities for their productive participation in society, leveraging the potential of every young person.”

The participants shared best practices and innovative approaches in the implementation of youth activities including in the areas of entrepreneurship, environmental conversation, healthy lifestyles, gender equality, safe migration, education, employment opportunities, and volunteerism. In addition, young leaders shared their experiences and discussed their projects and ideas for development and self-realization.

The USAID Social Innovation in Central Asia program is focused on developing a vibrant and responsive citizenry in Central Asia, namely in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 


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Участники молодежного форума, посвященного «Всемирному дню борьбы с торговлей людьми»
Участники молодежного форума, посвященного «Всемирному дню борьбы с торговлей людьми»