
USAID began its work in Turkmenistan in 1992, soon after the country became independent. Since that time, the American people through USAID have strengthened and diversified the Turkmen economy, built citizen-responsive institutions, increased good governance, empowered youth, and expanded access to health care services. USAID aims to increase regional connections between the economies and peoples of Central and South Asia — including Afghanistan to foster greater stability and prosperity.

Through increased private sector engagement, USAID helps local businesses and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness, increase revenue and boost job creation. Thanks to USAID assistance in 2019, Turkmenistan established its first private accredited food safety lab which is helping to reduce the time and cost of exporting goods and is giving local businesses access to once-elusive foreign markets.

Young women review USAID materials at the Turkmenistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs expo.
The Government of Turkmenistan invited USAID to be part of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs expo dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s UN membership.