Iraq Map OTI

Supporting a stable and inclusive Iraq


Iraq continues to face threats to its stability and U.S. interests, including the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs), increased repatriations of Iraqis with real or perceived ISIS links from Syria’s al-Hol camp, climate-related displacement and migration, pervasive Iranian influence, widespread armed militias, political marginalization, and a lack of national unity. As the impact of climate change, political paralysis, and population movements increases, the risk of violence and instability grows. Though challenges persist, the U.S. government is now focused on developing a holistic partnership with Iraq that goes beyond security and counterterrorism. OTI contributes to this mission by strengthening the resilience of exceptionally fragile communities affected by ongoing population movements and other drivers of conflict.


OTI partners with community groups, civil society organizations, and local governments to support a more stable and inclusive Iraq by strengthening community resilience. OTI’s geographic focus areas include Ninewa, Anbar, Dhi Qar, and Basrah, as well as national-level initiatives. OTI works toward three mutually reinforcing objectives:

  • To reduce stressors related to resources and services;
  • To reduce social tensions; and 
  • To support actors that represent, serve, and empower diverse and underrepresented communities.


  • By addressing critical needs in vulnerable communities—particularly needs shared by host populations and returnees—OTI alleviates pressures linked to population movements. In Mosul’s marginalized neighborhoods, where the influx of returnees strains basic services, OTI has supported activities that grow community capacity to address common challenges while addressing critical needs, including street lighting; school rehabilitation; women's’ protection services; and water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities. 
  • In Ninewa’s Ba’aj and Sinjar districts, IDP returns and the repatriation of Iraqis from al-Hol camp in neighboring Syria threaten to exacerbate social tensions between Sunni Arab and Yezidi populations. OTI supports multiple initiatives that aim to promote positive interactions between the two communities, including through youth-led beautification efforts, the development of spaces for children and youth, and street light installation initiatives. 
  • Free, inclusive, and credible media are fundamental to democracy and help counter destabilizing divisive rhetoric and misinformation. OTI supported the establishment of a women-led Sinjari media group that has eased tensions and dispelled misinformation. For example, they debunked social media rumors that an Arab mosque was set on fire by Yezidi community members in April 2023. Today, this media group continues to be a well-respected organization by and for all Sinjaris.