2008 - 2011


USAID/OTI’s Uganda program, the Northern Uganda Transition Initiative (NUTI), sought to support the transition of northern Uganda from 22 years of civil war to peace and recovery. USAID/OTI sought to create an environment to entice hundreds of thousands of displaced northern Ugandans to voluntarily return and to renew civic relations between the government and the people.


To support the voluntary return of displaced citizens in northern Uganda and promote peace, recovery and development in the region, USAID/OTI focused on:

  • Increasing access to information on peace, recovery and development issues in northern Uganda through support to the media and strategic communication activities;
  • Increasing the visibility of, and confidence in, all levels of government through the delivery of targeted, strategic interventions; and
  • Providing support to truth and reconciliation processes.


  • USAID/OTI partnered primarily with government departments and offices to support small-scale renovations of schools, health centers, government office buildings and other infrastructure that enabled local government to provide basic social services to the population and support economic growth and recovery. These renovations intended to send a clear message that peace had returned to the region and the government was at the helm of the reconstruction process.
  • USAID/OTI supported radio broadcasts and other creative forms of communication and outreach to inform residents about important activities of the post-conflict transition. In addition, the program worked directly with radio stations to help disseminate correct and timely information to returnees in northern Uganda on issues such as public services and land rights and supported creative and strategic communications that conveyed messages of peace, recovery and development.
  • USAID/OTI addressed voter registration and education ahead of national and local elections, promoting peaceful elections, as well as interventions to support capacity building and conflict prevention in northern Uganda.