For Immediate Release

Press Release

I came to Juba May 21-24 with my colleagues Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Enrique Roig and USAID Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator Mark Billera.

The purpose of our trip is to call for urgent action to create the conditions necessary for genuine and peaceful elections. These include addressing the lack of political and civic space, politically neutral and unified forces, and full funding and operationalization of necessary electoral institutions. To achieve this, we urge the launch of direct dialogue among transitional government leaders, including President Kiir, First Vice President Machar, and all members of the presidency, with the objective of making genuine and peaceful elections possible. Such dialogue would send an important signal to the South Sudanese people and to donor countries that South Sudan’s leaders are committed to peace and the rejection of violence as a tool for political competition.

We also urge the full and immediate implementation of exemptions for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), UN agencies, humanitarian organizations, and diplomatic missions. Those who seek to impose taxes, fees, and other inappropriate costs on humanitarian assistance are diverting aid away from South Sudanese people in need.

U.S. engagement in South Sudan began decades ago. Its endurance is based on values including peace, human rights, democracy, and people’s right to choose leaders who respond to the needs of the South Sudanese people.

For more information, please contact the U.S. Embassy Public Diplomacy Section: Henry Andrea, Information and Media Assistant | |+211 0912152994

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