Promoting Peace Through Stable and Effective Governance
Somalia continues to face long-standing challenges in effectively engaging its citizens in inclusive, peaceful, and democratic political processes. While the Somali state has achieved important gains in re-establishing authority in areas once controlled by al-Shabaab, the revival of the state has often been followed by upticks in competition over resources and inter-communal conflict, driven by unresolved grievances suppressed under al-Shabaab rule. Disagreements over the division of power and resources between federal, state, and local governments also create significant obstacles to more effective and stable governance in Somalia.
USAID Somalia’s Country Development and Cooperation Strategy addresses the root causes of violent extremism to flourish. USAID works with the federal government and local administrations to create stable communities in liberated al-Shabaab areas, build trust and social cohesion, and help establish and strengthen systems of governance.
By simultaneously addressing issues around stabilization and governance, USAID works in partnership with communities to reduce the influence of al-Shabaab, support newly liberated areas, advance inter-communal reconciliation, promote justice and strengthen conflict mitigation processes, and facilitate dialogue around power-sharing with local leaders. These efforts enhance government outreach, increase citizen participation in political and electoral processes, and improve capacity of key government institutions to be responsive to citizens’ needs. At the state and federal levels, USAID advances promotes political reconciliation by facilitating dialogue around power-sharing between federal and state governments to ensure long-term stability.
Democracy, Stabilization, and Governance Portfolio:
Scaling Durable Solutions
Partner: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Estimated Cost and Timeline: $11.5 million / October 2022 – September 2025
The Scaling Durable Solutions Activity is a cross-sectoral project that identifies and pilots new and creative solutions that secure land tenure, strengthen livelihoods, and expand the delivery of basic services to displacement-affected communities.
Transition Initiatives for Stabilization Saddex (USAID/TIS3)
Partner: DT Global
Estimated Cost and Timeline: $46.4 million / March 2022 – February 2027
Working in frontline communities newly liberated from al-Shabaab rule, TIS3 assists Somali communities to transition from conflict to longer-term development by supporting inclusive governance systems and rebuilding relationships between the government and local communities.
Nabadoon - Integrated Social Cohesion for Somalis
Partner: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Estimated Cost and Timeline: $8 million / August 2022 – July 2027
Nabadoon seeks to address unresolved grievances and local conflicts that could leave communities vulnerable to al-Shabaab influence. Focused in two districts in Lower Shabelle (Afgoye and Barawe) and two districts in Middle Shabelle (Jowhar and Warsheikh), USAID supports inter-communal reconciliation processes which help build trust within communities to facilitate lasting peace.
People-Centered Governance (PCG)
Partner: DAI
Estimated Cost and Timeline: $39.9 million / July 2023 – July 2028
PCG seeks to provide a credible alternative to al-Shabaab rule by promoting more responsive and inclusive local governance institutions in southern Somalia.
Stabilization and Recovery in Somalia (SRS) Program
Partner: IOM
Estimated Cost and Timeline: $5 million / August 2023 – July 2027
SRS strengthens communities’ trust in local institutions and increases social cohesion and civic engagement in newly liberated and fragile areas of Somalia.
USAID also contributes to joint-donor funded and managed programs which address key DSG issues:
Somalia Stability Fund III (SSF III)
Partner: Adam Smith International
Together with the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, USAID seeks to build consensus between the federal government and federal member states around key power sharing issues, the constitution, elections, and subnational democratization processes in southern Somalia.
World Bank Multi-Partner Fund (MPF)
Partner: World Bank
USAID’s contribution to the MPF aims to strengthen public financial management practices, domestic resources mobilization, and public debt management capacity.