Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) submits this report pursuant to Section 7019(e) of Public Law 117-328, the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2023, which incorporates by reference the requirements of the FY 2023 Joint Explanatory Statement (JES).

JES: Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the act, the USAID Administrator shall update the report required under this heading in Senate Report 116–126 on USAID’s health-related research and development strategy. Such report shall include details on USAID’s research and development of antibiotics. The Committee recognizes that drug-resistant bacterial infections are increasing globally and that lower-income countries experience the highest rates of antimicrobial resistance related deaths.

Senate Report 116-126: The Committee recognizes USAID’s role in health-related research and supports continued investments in new global health technologies across each of USAID’s health related programs to address longstanding and emerging global health challenges. Not later than 60 days after enactment of the act, the USAID Administrator shall submit the annual report to the appropriate congressional committees on USAID’s health-related research and development strategy, which shall include: (1) specific health product development goals, including timelines for product development; (2) details about ongoing and planned investments in drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and devices, including collaboration with other Federal agencies as well as private sector partners; (3) a detailed description of the mechanisms for collaboration and coordination in support of global health product development between Federal agencies; (4) an assessment of any critical gaps in product development for global health; and (5) recommendations for filling such gaps to ensure that U.S. investments in global health research are efficient, coordinated, and effective.


USAID’s Global Health Research and Development (R&D) Strategy (2023 - 2028) outlines the Agency’s approach to ensuring research is translated into timely action to improve health, well-being, and resilience of people around the world. To achieve this vision, USAID focuses on: the development of new technologies, tools, and approaches; and implementation science, knowledge management, and research utilization. Cross-cutting these research areas, USAID continues a long-standing focus on partnerships and collaboration, while aiming to develop ethical, locally-led R&D systems. While USAID’s Global Health R&D strategy outlines broad approaches to meeting these objectives, this report highlights key developments and collaborations in FY 2022, and areas of focus for FY 2023. Accompanying appendices report USAID’s estimated FY 2022 funding levels for health-related research and development (Appendix I) and a detailed list of USAID-supported product R&D (Appendix II).

Reports to Congress

Every year Congress asks the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to submit a series of reports on various matters of concern. In an effort to provide a maximum of transparency to the general public, these reports are now being made available at this web site.

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