North Macedonia ranks last  among 32 European countries in its acceptance of the LGBTQI+ community. Discrimination and violence persist against LGBTQI+ individuals, often unreported due to fear of reprisal. Further, gender-based violence (GBV) remains a major challenge, exacerbated by cultural norms and institutional barriers. In 2022,
517 cases of GBV were reported, but the real number remains unknown due to under-reporting tendencies. Accessing support services and securing justice for survivors remains difficult. There is a need for a comprehensive effort to address systemic issues to protect every person‘s human rights. 


The Access to Justice and Human Rights Activity will support the country to better respond to the needs of survivors of GBV and  marginalized communities. USAID will work with stakeholders across the country to strengthen capacity, raise awareness, and enhance services to ensure the rights of LGBTQI+ citizens and survivors of GBV are
upheld. In addition, USAID will foster collaboration and partnerships to create social change and promote inclusivity, ensuring every voice is heard and every individual is treated with respect and dignity. This approach not only amplifies impact but also builds stronger diverse communities, leading to a more accepting and just society.


• Establish a supportive ecosystem for survivors of anti-LGBTQI+ attacks and GBV, prioritizing justice through improved legislation and implementation.
• Facilitate effective processing of acts of intolerance and gender-based violence.
• Formulate evidence-based policies related to LGBTQI+ issues and GBV survivors grounded in relevant and accurate data.
• Strengthen support services delivered by designated national institutions and civil society organizations. 
• Increase societal acceptance of marginalized communities.

Human Rights