DATES: March 2009 - November 2011
CDP-N promotes stability through temporary employment and income generation in targeted populations to reduce the number of unemployed Afghans joining the insurgency. The project covers Balkh, Bamyan, Faryab, Takhar, Kapisa, Baghlan, Sari-Pul, Samangan, and Kunduz provinces in the north where the “hold” and “build” phases of counterinsurgency strategy predominate. Key deliverables include rehabilitation of secondary roads, drainage canals, schools, and irrigation systems. The project also includes mid-term activities that support the transition from stability to longer-term development such as repair of irrigation systems to increase agricultural production, rural farm-to-market and feeder road construction to improve market access, flood prevention, drainage system rehabilitation, and small-scale water supply system rehabilitation.
This project was previously called Food Insecurity Response for Urban Populations (FIRUP) - North. [[nid:51811]]