DATES: July 2003 - September 2006
The Rebuilding Agricultural Markets Program (RAMP) was an ongoing project from June 2003 until September 2006 by Chemonics International, Inc., and 35 sub partners. At the end of the project, total value added to the agriculture sector was estimated at $1.7+ billion. Results included rehabilitation of agriculture infrastructure (Over 530 structures and over 820 km of canals) benefiting 490,000+ hectares of farmland, extension services for approximately one million farmers, over 580 km of improved farm to market road which reduced post harvest losses, poultry production and management for 28,000 village women, improved post harvest facilities (50+ cold storage rooms installed, 140+ market centers and one dried vegetable factory), vaccination/treatment of over 28 million livestock, 28,000+ micro loans disbursed and linkages established between farmers, processors and traders for domestic and international market specifications. RAMP reestablished trade relations with India, Dubai, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates and introduced Afghan dehydrated vegetables to the European market. It also provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture.