DATES: October 2008 - September 2009
This grant continues the External Quality Assurance System (EQA) introduced by the National TB Control Program in the 13 USAID-supported provinces and extends these activities to 3 additional provinces (Balkh, Kunduz, and Nangarhar). The grant also addresses other activities essential for strengthening Directly Observed Therapy, Short course (DOTS).  
The grant introduces TB cultures into 3 regional laboratories (one each in Balkh, Kunduz, and Nangarhar). The regional reference laboratories are linked with the National Reference Laboratory in Kabul which was established with support from JICA and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM). Activities supported under this grant, significantly complement those activities supported through the existing GFATM grant and are in line with the national strategic plan of Ministry of Public Health's National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTP).