For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations


The below is attributable to Spokesperson Rebecca Chalif:‎

On May 18, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman attended the G7 Development Ministerial in Berlin, hosted by German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze, and with the participation of development leaders from G7 countries and invited guests. Throughout the Ministerial, Deputy Administrator Coleman and other participants discussed collective approaches to mitigating the global food security crisis exacerbated by Russia’s war in Ukraine, high-quality standards for infrastructure investments, climate change and a socially just energy transition, and gender equity and equality in development assistance.

During the session on the development response to Russia’s war against Ukraine, the Deputy Administrator highlighted USAID’s humanitarian assistance for conflict-affected people in Ukraine and those fleeing to neighboring countries, and she called for the world’s free nations to unite and enhance our efforts to stave off the worst of the suffering and to support resilient, inclusive recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine. She noted that while supporting Ukraine, it is vital to continue to support countries around the world that are suffering the effects of the global commodities crises caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In a session on infrastructure, Deputy Administrator Coleman commended the Government of Germany for prioritizing the G7 Partnership for Infrastructure and Investment, and underscored President Biden’s global infrastructure initiative that ensures our investments are guided by high standards to ensure sustainability, advance climate goals, and benefit communities they impact.

The following session focused on addressing the climate crisis. The Deputy Administrator provided updates on USAID’s new Climate Strategy that will support at least 80 countries to make progress toward achieving their climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments by 2024. She also encouraged the G7 to commit to strengthen early warning systems and disaster risk reduction planning, to expand coverage of national social protection programs to allow partner countries to support vulnerable populations and stabilize their lives in the face of a multitude of shocks.

Deputy Administrator Coleman also outlined the U.S. Government’s first-ever National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, which provides a roadmap for how the United States will work domestically and globally to ensure that all people, regardless of gender identity, have the opportunity to realize their full potential.She also highlighted the World Bank Childcare Incentive Fund, launched in April by the U.S. government, World Bank, and other government and foundation partners, which will scale up high-quality, affordable childcare in developing countries—a critical investment to build the next generation of human capital and place women at the center of an inclusive global economic recovery.

USAID Response in Ukraine
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