For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

On June 8-9, 2022, Administrator Samantha Power will travel to Los Angeles, California to participate in the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The theme for this Summit is “Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future,” and it marks the first time the United States has hosted the event since the inaugural meeting in Miami in 1994.

In addition to the Leaders Summit, the United States will host the Ninth Civil Society Forum, the Sixth Young Americas Forum, and the Fourth CEO Summit of the Americas. Each forum will foster dialogue between heads of government and the people of the Americas to address hemispheric challenges and opportunities, including social inclusion, economic recovery, climate change, democracy, digital transformation, and democracy.

On June 8, Administrator Power will attend the Summit’s Inaugural Ceremony and give keynote remarks at the Civil Society Forum. Administrator Power will host a roundtable discussion with a range of Summit stakeholders to address rising food insecurity in the Western Hemisphere and opportunities for building more sustainable, equitable, and resilient food systems throughout the region. She will also visit the headquarters of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang rehabilitation and reentry program in the world and a USAID partner through the Global Homeboy Network.

On June 9, Administrator Power will participate in a town hall with young leaders at the Young Americas Forum. The Administrator will host a multisector roundtable discussion on the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to address the root causes of irregular migration by expanding seasonal labor programs from Northern Central America while strengthening ethical recruitment and worker protections. Administrator Power will also participate in a panel discussion alongside the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Canada, Chile, and Panama to speak about women’s leadership, democracy and gender equality.

Visit for live streamed open-press portions of the Summit.

2022 Global Food Crisis
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