The government of Mozambique has made progress in combating malaria and addressing issues pertaining to Maternal and Child Health (MCH). However, as in much of the developing world, the major causes of under-five deaths are pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. All these diseases are both preventable and treatable. Malaria is still endemic throughout Mozambique, and its entire population of 31.3 million (2020) is at risk. Malaria is considered the most important public health problem in Mozambique and accounts for 29% of all deaths. Among children under five years of age, malaria accounts for 42% of deaths. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of bacterial pneumonia and a major cause of meningitis, sepsis, and ear infections among children in developing countries. An estimated 826,000 children less than 5 years of age die of pneumococcal disease worldwide each year and most of these children live in developing countries.

This program provides funding to CISM for two studies: one on the efficacy of malaria medicines and treatments and a second on the impact of the pneumococcal vaccines. The studies will be conducted in consultation with the National Malaria Control program, the National Directorate of Public Health and provincial and district health facilities, as well as local research and academic institutions. These studies will allow CISM to gather accurate and current evidence necessary to develop and implement effective malaria and MCH activities in Mozambique. 

The findings from the two studies will be used to improve malaria and MNCH healthcare services in Mozambique. Preliminary and final results will be disseminated to relevant Ministry of Health offices through quarterly written progress reports and oral presentations. CISM staff will also work to ensure that the findings are presented to provincial and district level health facilities. The results will also help USAID and its partners develop more responsive malaria and MCH programming.  Through this support, CISM will also improve management skills in relation to grant-writing and research development and dissemination.