Preventing, Testing, Treating, and Tracking Malaria

The Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP) is a five-year USAID-funded project implemented by Chemonics International that will contribute to reducing malaria mortality, morbidity, and parasitemia in four high malaria burden provinces (Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Tete, and Zambézia). IMaP will achieve this goal through three objectives:

  • Support the implementation of proven malaria interventions at community and facility levels, in alignment with the National Malaria Strategic Plan
  • Strengthen management capacity of the provincial and district Ministry of Health personnel to provide oversight and supervision of malaria interventions
  • Improve Health Management Information System data reporting, analysis, and use at the provincial and district level

Mozambicans, especially in the high-transmission north and center, continue to be stricken with malaria. The disease accounts for nearly 30 percent of all deaths and is especially lethal for children under five. Despite significant investments by the Government of Mozambique, USAID, and other donors, cases continue to increase, even accounting for improved reporting. The causes are complex– the country’s ability to address health challenges is hindered by such issues as health system weaknesses, low uptake of preventive and treatment services, and broader climatic and environmental factors that compromise progress.

As the flagship activity for the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) in Mozambique, IMaP leads technical assistance for improved malaria case management, malaria in pregnancy activities, social and behavior change communication, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, including routine data quality, and strengthened health systems at the national and subnational levels. In addition to addressing systemic and facility-level constraints to improve quality of facility- and community-based malaria services, IMaP implements community-based social and behavior change communications interventions to increase demand and uptake of these same services. IMaP also works to strengthen data flow and quality for improved decision-making and planning within these systems.