Kosovo: Diaspora Invests In Kosovo - RB Company
USAID is partnering with diaspora businesses to increase export capacities of small producers.
Diaspora Invests In Kosovo - Germin
USAID is partnering with local groups to provide opportunities for Kosovan entrepreneurs, primarily women to export high value products.
Kosovo: Diaspora Invests In Kosovo Evrotarget
USAID is working with diaspora business to provide opportunities for youth to engage in the labor market.
Kosovo: Diaspora Invests In Kosovo - Palma
USAID is working with diaspora businesses to apply technologies that help increase productivity and exports.
Results (pagination-heading)
Photo Galleries
25 Years of Partnership and Progress - Launch Event
October 22, 2024 - Today, USAID Mission in Kosovo held an event to mark 25 years of partnership and progress with the people of Kosovo. The event highlighted this milestone and provided an opportunity to thank many of the stakeholders who have been part of the Agency's work in Kosovo.
USAID Kosovo Swearing in Ceremony
USAID Kosovo Swearing in Ceremony: Ambassador Delawie and Lisa Magno sign the Oath of Office