
November 4, 2021 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan – Through a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) grant, the Red Crescent of Kazakhstan, has started the provision of financial assistance to the most vulnerable households affected by drought in Mangystau oblast.

Based on a vulnerability and needs assessment, 225 of the most vulnerable households that suffered partial or total loss of livestock and are in the greatest need of assistance, are recipients of financial assistance. This support via bankcards will help households meet their urgent basic needs and enable them to purchase livestock fodder for the upcoming winter season. A total of 1,254 people will receive more than 33 million tenge via these bankcards. The death of livestock due to the ongoing drought in the oblast caused severe damage to the local population since animal husbandry is the main source of income.

USAID is partnering with the countries of Central Asia to mitigate climate change and address its impacts.


USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results.  For more information, visit the USAID/Central Asia website and USAID/Central Asia’s Facebook page.

The Red Crescent of Kazakhstan is part of the world’s largest humanitarian network of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which aims to alleviate human suffering, protect human life and health, and ensure respect for human dignity. For more, visit the Red Crescent of Kazakhstan website and pages in social media networks.


Households affected by drought receive financial support
Households affected by drought receive financial support