
For Immediate Release

Press Release

JAKARTA – The United States, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Humanitarian Forum Indonesia have launched the USAID-HFI Strengthening Disaster Management Capacity and Accompaniment of CSOs in Emergency Response, Coordination, and Advocacy (USAID-HFI STEADY) program in a significant step toward enhancing disaster management capabilities and fostering coordination among Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Indonesia.

USAID-HFI STEADY will establish humanitarian hubs in North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara to improve disaster response coordination at the provincial level. The program will be implemented in the next two years with funding of over USD 500,000 (over IDR 7,500,000,000).

The USAID-HFI STEADY program will bolster the organizational capacity and disaster management skills of local CSOs and align with international humanitarian standards. The program also seeks to strengthen interfaith collaboration in humanitarian response and building disaster-resilient places of worship.

“USAID believes that partnering, supporting, and enabling local partners to lead disaster preparedness and response systems are crucial steps to advance more effective and timely response in meeting the critical needs of communities in times of disasters,” said Yusak Oppusunggu, USAID Indonesia Environment Specialist.

Humanitarian Forum Indonesia (HFI) is a consortium of 19 diverse local faith-based civil society and social welfare organizations dedicated to improving collaboration among humanitarian actors. “By enhancing the capacity of local institutions and organizations we aim to strengthen CSOs’ role and leadership in disaster preparedness, response, and coordination,” said Surya Rahman Muhammad, Executive Director of HFI.

USAID-HFI STEADY program is one of the U.S. government’s partnership initiatives in Indonesia that demonstrates USAID’s commitment to supporting Indonesia in achieving shared development goals. 


For more information, visit or contact USAID Communications Specialist Swiny Andina at +62 (21) 5083-1000 or

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