An indigenous man wearing a feather headdress looking at a computer screen.

Highlighting the Indigenous Economy Initiative

March 20, 2020
As nations and communities across the globe embark on the ambitious mission of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, Indigenous Peoples and traditional forest-dwelling communities represent important allies and guides. Forest-dependent communities have long served as effective guardians of forests, and have modeled key practices around sustainable land use and natural resource management, including the protection of a greater variety of forest types within their territories as compared with other protected areas[1]. Nonetheless, the knowledge and benefits contributed by these communities have often gone unnoticed or undervalued.

A Spoon of Honey The Flavor of Indigenous Traditions in Paraguay

March 20, 2020
Honey lovers should know that they have something in common with Ramon Chevugi, a member of the Kuetuvy indigenous community in one of the most remote corners of Paraguay. Unlike most people however, Ramon doesn’t go to the supermarket to buy honey. He finds it in the forest and takes it directly from nature. Ramon’s ancestors were hunters and collectors in the fertile lands and abundant forests of Paraguay. Like the other members of the Ache tribe, Ramon used to go deep into the thick forest near his community looking for trees with beehives. After long hours, even days, of searching for this sweet delight, Ramon and the other men in his community would ultimately find a beehive.

Partnering with Indigenous Peoples: Driving Self-Determined Development in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve

June 7, 2018
At 2.1 million hectares and covering twenty percent of the country’s area, the Mayan Biosphere Reserve (MBR) in Guatemala’s northern Peten is the centerpiece of the largest block of broadleaf tropical forest in Mesoamerica. This natural protected area is one of the most ecologically diverse on the planet and is home to numerous ancient Mayan sights of significant cultural importance. The MBR is also a critical part of Guatemala’s tourism industry and is generally considered essential for Guatemala’s economic and environmental wellbeing.
