Resources for Implementing Partners

Unauthorized Commitments

An unauthorized commitment occurs when a USAID official acts in a way that leads a recipient or potential recipient to believe that USAID has committed to:

  • make a specific award;
  • change the amount of an existing award; or
  • revise an existing award budget, program description, or any of the terms and conditions of the award.

and such official does not have the authority to do so.

It is against U.S. Government and USAID policy to enter into unauthorized commitments.

To avoid making an unauthorized commitment, USAID AOR's must work within the confines of the agreement.

The authority of the AOR is within the confines of the Program Description, Timeline, Budget and Other Terms and Conditions.

Only the AO has the authority to make a change to the program description, timeline, budget or any other terms and conditions of the award.

Implementing partners have a responsibility to understand the authorities and limitations of the AOR. This can be done by:

  • Requesting a copy of and reading the AOR designation letter;
  • Reading the award document; AND
  • Asking for clarification from the AO on any AOR authorities and limitations that are not clear.

Developed by USAID/India’s Regional Financial Management Office and Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance and the Central and South Asia Acquisition and Assistance Innovation Lab in support of Local Capacity Building.

India Partner Resources - Assistance