Global VAX: Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts Around the World

Photo credit: Alfredo Mandlate for CDC

The U.S. Government Initiative for Global Vaccine Access, Global VAX, leveraged the full breadth of U.S. government global health programming, experience, and platforms under a landmark whole-of-government effort to administer COVID-19 vaccines to people in need.

Since its launch in December 2021, Global VAX mobilized multiple U.S. government agencies’ expertise with more than $1.8 billion in funding committed to COVID-19 vaccination. In close collaboration with partner governments and multilateral partners, Global VAX supported more than 120 countries in driving widespread impact to the hardest-to-reach populations through large-scale COVID-19 vaccine delivery.

Learn more about the impact of Global VAX: Full report

Executive summary: An overview of the whole-of-U.S. government effort to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine delivery assistance around the world.

The Global VAX Initiative brought together the capabilities of the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of State, including the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, Peace Corps, the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, the Department of the Treasury, and other interagency partners under one whole-of-government umbrella, allowing the U.S. government to leverage the full spectrum of global health capabilities to respond to the evolving COVID-19 crisis.

Global VAX by the numbers


$1.8 Billion in U.S. funding | 688 Million donated COVID-19 vaccine doses | 120 Partner countries | 11 Surge countries | 8 U.S. government agencies | ONE purpose

Learn more about USAID’s efforts through Global VAX